National Trustee Week

National Trustee week 6th – 10th November

This week celebrates the achievements of nearly one million trustees across the UK. The theme for 2023 being ‘Many Voices.  Working together. With Purpose.’

Charities make a huge and positive impact on society and are dedicated to an enormous variety of good causes. This year celebrates the individual talents, viewpoints and experiences each trustee brings to their board and their collective decision making and how diversity can help make a charity stronger. We also highlight the wealth of guidance and support that charities can draw on, to survive and thrive. Click here for information on events, Trustee quiz, resources, and Trustee stories. Trustees Week – Showcasing the work of charity trustees

NCVO have a planned a daily webinar series for Trustees week (6th – 10th November) , with the week’s  theme being ‘Many Voices. Working Together. With Purpose’. In particular, how by using the principles around positive environmental, social, and governance action (ESG) to lead their charities to the future.

The sessions are free for NCVO members. Membership is free for organisations with and income of less than £30K.  

Trustees’ Week | NCVO

WCVA have organised a free webinar on 9th November 2023, from 2-3pm highlighting what’s happened in charity governance recently and what is on the horizon in 2024.

Trustees’ week webinar: Charity governance round-up! – WCVA

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