What is co-production?
The Co-production Network for Wales definition is as follows:
Co-production is an asset-based approach to public services that enables people providing and people receiving services to share power and responsibility, and to work together in equal, reciprocal and caring relationships. It creates opportunities for people to access support when they need it, and to contribute to social change.
You can read more about co-production here
Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) has been awarded funding from the Shared Prosperity Fund via Pembrokeshire County Council for an Active Citizenship & Engagement programme which aims to get more people of all ages actively involved in helping out in their communities – doing the small things that make a big difference. The Active Citizenship & Engagement (ACE) programme is made up of three elements which combine to offer an integrated package of support to communities, voluntary groups, and individuals who want to help others.
The Engagement & Co-production element of the programme will help PAVS and our partners step up our collective ambitions for engagement and co-production in Pembrokeshire.
Working closely with the Co-production Network for Wales, PAVS is championing co-production in Pembrokeshire, setting up and facilitating an Engagement & Co-production Practitioners Network, organising training and events, sharing learning, and building the skills and capacity of Network members.
Training and practical support will also be offered to communities who want to co-produce Community Wellbeing Plans through a process of asset-based community development, or engage people in local issues, such as taking on community assets or addressing local challenges. This process will provide opportunities to engage people in local decision making using deliberative democracy processes, strengthen relationships, and create active, resourceful, connected, sustainable and creative communities.
Engagement will take place across all age ranges and be fully inclusive and accessible, building on good practice such as the Dream Team (Pembrokeshire People First), CWBR Youth (PLANED), Pembrokeshire Youth Assembly (Pembrokeshire County Council), etc. There will be a focus on youth participation in decision-making and encouraging people of all ages to think about getting involved with and/or standing for election to local democratic bodies.
PAVS can offer support to community and voluntary groups with co-production techniques and practise. This is delivered by our Engagement and Coproduction Officer Mark John-Williams. Mark brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in co-production to Pembrokeshire and is keen to pass on this knowledge.
Our next Co-production training event is below. To book, contact
How to contact us
See our list of staff contact details and make direct contact with the person you need.
Alternatively our office phone line is open between 9am and 4pm each day on 01437 769422
Our generic email is
Registered Office: 36/38 High Street
Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 2DA
Office Hours
Our staff are now working in a hybrid way which means they may not be in the office, but working from other venues or home working. Due to changes in the way we now work, we are not holding meetings or running training events in person from our premises. However, if you wish to meet with a member of staff then please email them directly or call their business mobile number. The staff contact list is kept up to date with the most recent information.
If you do need to call at our premises, we are open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am to 4.30pm on a Friday (except on Bank Holidays). Between 9am and 10am, and after 2pm, Monday to Thursday and all day Friday you may need to ring the bell (situated on the right hand side of the door). If you are just delivering mail, then please use the letter box on the front door.
Thank you for your ongoing support.