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Pembrokeshire PSB’s draft Well-being Plan 2023-2028
Following engagement on our Well-being Objectives that took place over the summer, we have been working on actions we think we will need to take to meet these objectives.
What are Well-being Objectives?
Well-being Objectives explain how we are going to prioritise the key areas of focus in the Well-being Plan. They have been developed from the findings of our Well-being Assessment which we published earlier this year.
What are Pembrokeshire’s Well-being Objectives?
WBO1 | Work with our communities to reduce inequalities and improve well-being
WBO2 | Promote and support initiatives to deliver decarbonisation, manage climate adaptation and tackle the nature emergency
WBO3 | Enable safe, connected, resourceful and diverse communities
WBO4 | Support growth, jobs and prosperity and enable the transition to a more sustainable and greener economy
We would like to invite you to comment on the proposed actions that we have developed. Together with the Well-being Objectives, these actions form the basis of our Well-being Plan.
Full details and how to respond can be found here
Third Sector
Other ways that Third Sector organisations, volunteers and citizens can have their voice heard in Pembrokeshire, include:
How to contact us
See our list of staff contact details and make direct contact with the person you need.
Alternatively our office phone line is open between 9am and 4pm each day on 01437 769422
Our generic email is enquiries@pavs.org.uk
Registered Office: 36/38 High Street
Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 2DA
Office Hours
Our staff are now working in a hybrid way which means they may not be in the office, but working from other venues or home working. Due to changes in the way we now work, we are not holding meetings or running training events in person from our premises. However, if you wish to meet with a member of staff then please email them directly or call their business mobile number. The staff contact list is kept up to date with the most recent information.
If you do need to call at our premises, we are open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am to 4.30pm on a Friday (except on Bank Holidays). Between 9am and 10am, and after 2pm, Monday to Thursday and all day Friday you may need to ring the bell (situated on the right hand side of the door). If you are just delivering mail, then please use the letter box on the front door.
Thank you for your ongoing support.