
Meet the Team – Louise Wilkinson

This week, in our regular weekly ‘Meet the Team’ slot, we chat to Louise Wilkinson.

What’s a day in the life of a Volunteering Development Officer like?
Every day at PAVS is different and it is that variety that keeps it interesting, you never know who you might speak to or what they might need help with. Everything I do has volunteering at the heart of it, whether that is supporting an organisation with polices and best practice, advertising volunteering opportunities or helping individuals to volunteer. We try our very best to ‘match’ people who would like to volunteer with something they are interested in. For some that might also include finding some training or signposting to other colleagues for other support.

Where is your favourite place in Pembrokeshire to visit?
Goodwick beach, it’s got everything sun, sand, sea – the Sea Trust aquarium, play area and a café.

Is there a voluntary organisation in Pembrokeshire that you’re excited about working with right now?
Recently it has been so great to re-connect with a number of organisations I haven’t worked with for a while. I recently delivered some training to staff at Paul Sartori Foundation which was great. It has also been nice to work with some newer organisations who are just starting to recruit volunteers like Cilrath Acre

Do you have any hobbies or interests?
I love walking and reading it is my way of unwinding at the end of the day.

Best thing about your job?
Feeling part of the Third Sector Family in Pembrokeshire, that cares and supports each other as well as the wider community. The organisations (and individuals) I work with are amazing and knowing I am helping them – albeit in a small way – gives me a huge sense of achievement.

Fun fact about you?
I love to try new/ different things (especially if it’s for charity) which could explain why I have shaved my head, walked on fire, bungee jumped and jumped out of a plane (sky dive).

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